with taylor, i spent 3 months on bed rest. and while people think that bed rest would be a luxury, i can assure you otherwise. only being allowed to get up to shower and go to the potty is not what i consider a luxury item....having to have someone wait on you 24/7 and take care of your child is like a prison sentence. it's hard on your whole family.
i have shed my tears and now i am stating that i am not going to dwell on situation but rather make lemonade from it: i'm going to be thankful for my wonderful supportive family, smile as i listen to tay upstairs playing the drums, laugh as i watch warren pick out her outfits and try to do her hair, give lots of kisses to tay when she is sitting in my lap, enjoy being able to catch up w/ my friends when they call to check in, work on expanding my business (e*design and a website are in the works), make my blog better, keep the designer's attic up (a huge thank you to all of the people who have supported that blog), take time to read books (any suggestions?), and most of all- take care of myself so that we can welcome a healthy, baby boy into our lives this june (and hopefully not before then)....
*images courtesy of the love shop, oh hello friend, haven and home, style court, the bottom of the ironing basket, absolutely beautiful things, cup of jo
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