i can't get enough of the greek key- it's such a classic design element. but what i really adore is the exaggerated greek key- its totally edgy! i feel like
kelly was the first to bring this look to the design scene. and from there, it has really taken off...
i often think about replicating
amanda nisbet's greek key headboard (that room is killer)...sometimes, i even think i can try to make it myself...but then flashes of unfinished projects come into my head and that idea is quickly squashed...
and then there is
ann gish's greek key bedding ensemble....it is beautiful. although, i don't know if i would have all of those pieces together on one bed but the pillows and maybe the dustruffle would look killer in a room.
my eyes always zoom in on the key- anyway its used. kind of crazy that i don't have any in my own house...maybe one day! have a great monday!